You are here: Getting Started

Getting Started With the Debt Setoff client software

It's a good idea to review this online Help system before beginning this application.  This will provide a good foundation for the features and functions of this comprehensive application.  


Some new features that need to be addressed before beginning:




Main menu options:


Debtors Reports Imports
  1. Debtor Information


  1. Adjustment Report
  2. Aged Debt Report
  3. Audit Report
  4. Compliance Report
  5. Composite Report
  6. Expiration Report
  7. Import Status Error Report
  8. Setoff Report
  9. Selective Report
  10. Summary Report
  11. Totals Report
  12. User History


  1. ASCII File Import
  2. Excel File Import
  3. ASCII File Export
  4. Excel File Export


Maintenance Transmit Letters
  1. Backup Database
  2. Restore Database


  1. Export to Clearinghouse
    • Debtor Information
    • Selective
    • Export Database
    • Export Settings
  2. Import from Clearinghouse
    • Setoff file
    • Selective
    • Import Database
    • Import Settings
  1. Notification Letters
    • Print Notification letters
    • Mark as Notified


Address Tools Interest
  1. Print Reconciliation Report
  2. Apply DOR Addresses
  3. Empty DOR Address Database


Administrator Options

  1. Account Information
  2. Account Code
  3. Change Acct Codes
  4. User Setup
  5. Delete $0.00 Debts
  6. Delete < $50.00 debts
  7. Delete Expired Debts

User Options:

  1. Change SSN
  2. Change Expiration Date
  3. Change Compliance Date
  4. Change City
  5. Printer Selection
  6. System Settings


  1. Interest Accrual Global Update
  2. Interest Accrual Global Undo
  3. Interest Accrual Settings
  4. Base Amount Update
  5. Interest Rate Amount
  6. Interest Accrual Report
  1. About Help-



To maximize the efficiency and operation of this software application software take time to familiarize yourself with the Main Menu toolbar icons and the Quick Keys


The Main Menu Icon toolbar:



Icon Toolbar





REMINDER - information about regulations/rules


SECURITY - information about protecting debtor information


TIP - information about a shortcut, time-saver or money saver


WARNING - information that can keep a major disaster from occurring


Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012: Five Star Computing, Inc. for the North Carolina Local Government Debt Setoff Clearinghouse - All rights reserved


Debtors Menu

Debtor Information Options

Search Debtors

Add Debtors

Add Debt

Edit Debtors

Edit Debt

Delete Debtors

Delete Debt

Sum Debts


Reports Menu

Adjustments Report

Aged Debts

Audit Report

Compliance Report

Composite Report

Expiration Report

Import Status Error Report

Selective Report




Import-Export Menu

Import-Export Menu

ASCII File Export

ASCII File Import

Excel File Export

Excel File Import


Maintenance Menu




Transmit Menu

Export to Clearinghouse

Export Database

Export Debtor Information

Export Selective

Export Settings

Export User Information

Import from Clearinghouse

Import Database

Import Selective

Import Setoffs

Import Settings


Letters Menu

Print Notification Letters

Mark Letters



Address Menu

Print Reconciliation Report

Apply DOR Addresses

Empty DOR Address Database


Tools Menu

Users Setup

Account Codes

Account Information

Change City

Change Compliance Date

Change Expiration Date

Change SSN

Change Type

Delete $0.00 Debts

Delete <$50.00 Debts

Delete Expired Debts

Import MS Access Database

Printer Selection

System Settings

Printer Selection


Interest Accrual Report

Interest Menu

Interest Accrual Global Update

Interest Accrual Global Undo

Interest Accrual Settings

Base Amount Update

Interest Rate Amount